Hot & Heavy

     This weekend my dad needed some help mulching and trimming bushes for some of his customers. Today wasn't as bad as yesterday. The house we mulched and did bushes for yesterday was on a hill and they had bushes by the water. Since my dad is particular about spreading the mulch a certain way it was my job to load the wheelbarrow with mulch and take it to him. So back and fourth I went. The wheelbarrow was so heavy and with sun bearing down on me it didn't help much. My legs are on fire. It beat going to the gym though. I also got sunburned on my calves, neck, and shoulders. My face isn't too bad. Today we had some bushes to do and then we went to another house to pull a whole bunch of weeds. We didn't finish so we will end up going back there sometime during the week. It was all worth it though. I even got a tip from one of the customers because they saw me working my ass off. I made $130 total which is what I make working the weekend as a CNA. I have $0.67 in my checking account so all of this pain and hard work was well worth it. I can buy some groceries and put gas in my car.


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