Bathing Suit Season

     Warm weather is finally here and my body is not where I want it to be. I started off strong when I first signed up for the gym and then like most, I fell off. I've been so busy with school and trying to pass this class it is kind of hard to think about the gym. I wish my thighs were more toned and my stomach was a little bit more flat but this is all on me. Bathing suit season is pretty much here since the pools always open up on or around Memorial day. I think once I pass this class or if I even get close to passing, I will pick the gym back up. My body looks better to me now then it ever has but it could be better. Oh and since I'm so stressed out I have been turning to my weakness (soda) for comfort which is BAD. I did so well drinking water and now this bad habit is back. I have to stop this. I want to look cute in my bikini this summer. I've worked hard to get to weight/shape I'm at now. I don't want to gain the weight back and be uncomfortable.


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