I'm Focused, Not Self Centered

     During class today I realized that people care about things and worry about things they shouldn't. I keep to myself 99% of the time. If I say my piece on a situation it is most likely because you pressed my buttons somehow. I may not talk much and my resting bitch face is always on point but I'm always listening. People need to stop worrying about what others are doing and start focusing on themselves. These last couple of mods I have became closer to some of my classmates but they know my true team is composed of me, myself and I and that is it. I don't ask others for homework answers or copy work. If I can take the time to complete my projects and assignments, so can you. This is nursing school. This is the real deal. Expecting to go through nursing school not doing hundreds of tests, drug cards, and assignments is ridiculous. Nursing is more than just throwing medicine in a cup and asking someone if they feel sick today. Putting myself first during this program has made me realize that I should have been putting myself, goals, dreams, and career first. I shouldn't have spent so much time catering to people who don't care about me or my self worth. Making sure that I am passing my classes and becoming an awesome nurse is my main concern. I am not self centered, I'm focused. I'm focused on becoming a better person and an awesome nurse. I feel like if more people would worry about themselves instead of what everyone around them is doing, that they would be a lot more successful. They would have more time to worry about what really matters. I will not change and be fake and pretend I care what others are doing because I don't. Yes, as a class we work together to help one another study and grasp the material, but at the end of the day I am worried about myself, no one else.


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