My Plan for This Term

     Yesterday I ended up leaving my endocrine class early because every one bombed her test yet again except for three people. I left because I'm failing the class with a 66 and Kaplan is tomorrow and if I don't pass it along with the next test and final, I will fail and have to repeat this class. I was very discouraged and upset. I study a lot for her tests and when I fail it is like I wasted brain power for nothing. When I study I make flash cards, highlight in the book and even write in it, and I also study with my classmates. If everyone is pretty much failing the class then there is one common denominator here and it isn't us. I debated on even finishing the term because it will be a waste if I spend all of this time going to clinical and class and have to end up repeating it all over. It took everything in me to wake up this morning and go to clinical. So my new plan is to ride out this term regardless if I fail or pass. If I pass, GREAT! I will only have 10 weeks left. If I fail I will have have 15 weeks left and my new pinning date would be sometime in September. I will also switch back to night school and work during the week. The night teacher for this class is great from what I hear from the students that have her. Also working more days during the week will allow me to catch up on my finances. I have made it this far and I refuse to give up. I'm going to finish this program no matter what it takes.


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