It's Over Already?

     Last night was the last class for the lecture portion of my nurse aide course. We start clinical on Monday! I'm so excited and nervous but I'm ready to put the skills I've learned to work. My classmates are awesome. Last night we practiced for our state exam and we all did very well. It was kind of nerve racking. I tried not to think about everything all at once or how much time I was spending on a skill. The one thing I did notice as I started each skill is the fact that all of the steps started rolling into my head as soon as I was done with the steps. I was hoping I wouldn't draw a blank and I didn't. I am so proud of myself and I think everyone else in my class should be proud of themselves as well. We worked hard for this. We juggled jobs, kids, and other every day life things along with completing this part of the course. Now we are onto to bigger and brighter things. We actually get to start helping people and start our healthcare careers.
     When I think of how well I've done with my life so far, I kind of want to cry. Not cry because I'm sad but cry because I'm happy. I could of taken the wrong path in life and chose to do bad things but I didn't. I decided to be mature and be on my own in my own little world. I knew I wanted to be successful and hanging out with people who aren't positive influences would have never got me to this point. Yea, I lost friendships and became VERY introverted, but I'm happy. I worried about myself, my future, and my success and look where I'm at. I'm becoming a nurse aide while still going for my RN and then my Bachelors in science. I'm going to brag about it because I did it all on my own. I am glad to say I'm proud of myself and who I've become.My family is proud of me, I'm proud of myself and everyone is happy :)


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