Step it Up

     It's time to take my vacation jar off of the back burner and really start saving. I need a break from everything. Work, school, and my family issues. My brain feels like scrambled eggs. I was hoping to go to Pensacola Beach at the end of August but I only have $70 saved up for it and the fall semester starts on August 22. Sometimes I wish I could of taken a different path in life. Like maybe be less mature and enjoy life a little more rather than stressing out over EVERYTHING. I've got to do something soon or else I'm going to end up in the mental institution. Last night in class we learned that someone can develop a mental illness from stressing too hello. That is me completely. I don't want to go insane. I just want to be happy. I'm really hoping and praying that life goes in my favor. I hope to do great in nurse aide clinical and pass my state exam. I want to work part time as a nurse aide while going to school during the day, not evenings, on Mondays and Wednesdays. I'm the only one that can make this happen. I'm the only one who I can depend and rely on. No one is ever there for me and I never expect anyone to be. Everything will fall into place eventually. I can't let stress take over my mind and drive me nuts. I need to stop trying to accomplish so many things at one time. I need to reach each goal one by one. Stressing will not help the situations I'm in or make them go away. I can do anything I put my mind to. I'm strong. I can do anything I want. I just have to keep the willpower and inspiration. I'm stepping it up. No more stressing over 10 things at one time. It's time to put myself first before my health declines and I go insane....literally!


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