
     The last time I calculated how much I needed in order to pay for my A.A.S degree out of pocket was a lot. I think it was around $15,000. I jut went back onto my community college website and re-calculated my costs. It was near $11,000. I guess the last time I added it up I was being really cautious just in case I needed to pay more for certain things like books or my uniforms. This is kind of good news. It's still a lot of money but it isn't as much. I only have 6 pre-reqs left before I can apply to nursing program. I really hope I get accepted. I plan on getting my BSN from Sentara if you're employed with them it's about $9,000 and if you aren't it's about $13,000. My first semester of college I told myself I would do whatever I could do to pay out of pocket for school and materials and stay away from student loans. I really need to start saving more money in order for me to do that. I only have about $1500 in my savings now and that will pay for my micro-bio class in the fall semester. Which leads into my other dilemma. Okay, so I can register for my class on July 1st. I won't be done with clinical and know if I passed my certification until the end of July/beginning of August. So should I go ahead and register for micro-bio during the day on Mondays and Wednesdays like I want, or wait until I find out if I pass? Also if I wait there is a possibility that the day class I want now won't be available then.
     Sometimes I wish things would fall into place a lot easier instead of being complicated. The good thing is that I only have 6 classes left before I can apply to become an RN. That is exciting. For some reason I thought it was farther away but now that I'm looking at it, it's really close. The booklet says we will have clinical 2 days a week so I'm hoping that it will work out with my schedule while I continue to work as a nurse aide. If not, I'll have to ask to switch or do what it takes to continue making money. It takes money to make money and that is no joke, especially for a nursing career. In the meantime, I plan on saving as much as possible for gas and car maintenance since my registered nursing classes take place at different campus in a different city. The lady in the office told me to car pool. Yea that would be nice if I knew someone going to school for the same thing, but I don't. Most people are choosing careers that are offered only in their home area so they don't have to spend a heaping amount on gas. Oh well. All I can do is save money and pray that I get into the program and all my finances work themselves out...eventually.


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