Rant my stress away.

     I'm not liking my body today. The shorts I'm wearing make me feel twice as big. I don't have time to do laundry because of work and school. I don't have time to work out due to work and school. To be completely honest, I'm not happy. I'm depressed that I never have time to workout and make my body look better. I don't get to lay on the beach during the day due to work. I never have any "me" time. Todays blog entry will most likely end up being a rant because I'm so stressed out, just a fair warning.
     Last nights class was good. We ordered pizza and practiced our skills all night. I can't wait to learn all of the skills and then practice them so I can get checked off. The class is not too hard and I highly recommend it to someone looking to get into the healthcare field. I pass all of my tests, including medical terminology. Some people look at me like I'm nuts when I say I like med term, but I do. I'm thankful my brain is like a sponge and memory is on point. My grandma is still in the nursing home. I'm hoping she will stay strong and be able to go home soon. I plan on visiting her today on my lunch break. I noticed that at that facility the nurse aides have specific uniforms. I really want to work in a place where I can where whatever print scrubs I want. There are so many cute ones to choose from. Speaking of scrubs, I have to go back this weekend for the second time to turn my scrub pants in. I bought the next size up thinking they would fit and they are too big.
     When I write rants like this I feel like I'm not allowed. I feel like complaining makes me look weak, which I'm not. I'm just tired of the same shit every day. I'm tired of sitting at a desk, I'm tired of not being able to do things in the day like go to the beach or gym. I don't even know what my college campus looks like during daylight because I've never even attended a day class. That's sad. When I told the girls in my N.A class my schedule, they asked me why. They asked why I would want to work all week when I'm only 21. The money is what puts me through school. There is a new Dave & Busters opening in my area and I thought about applying. I have no experience so it would be tough to land a job as a waitress. I just want a job where I'm moving.
     One good thing is that I found the power cord and usb cord for my printer to connect to my computer. I have a really nice all in one printer my mom gave me years ago for Christmas and it has never been used because the cords disappeared. I'm trying to set my stuff up for when I become a nurse aide. I'll need to actually do my homework at home since I won't have my desk job anymore. I just don't know what to do. I really don't. I have no friends to talk to and get advice from and all my boyfriend and parents say is to do what makes me happy. Going to school during the day is what will make me happy. I'm tired of stressing over crap like this.
     I feel better now that I've vented some of this stuff. If I wrote about everything, I would need to publish it. It would be a novel. Hopefully one day I will find happiness. Until then, I'll be at my desk job, doing homework and walking to class at night hoping no one mugs me. Yay.


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