Ebooks are Ridiculous

     Today I ordered the textbook for my class from Amazon because my schools new policy is to have all books be Ebooks. I think this is ridiculous. I spent $50 of my OWN hard earned dollars to order it when I could of used that for food or pay on a bill. The school should really consider how people feel before they just decide to make all books electronic. We have to pay for the book regardless. I like having the book in my hand so I can highlight and park pages and look at things as many times as I want. Yes, you can highlight online textbooks and what not but it just isn't the same. I retain information better from an actual book. It took me HOURS to scroll on the iPad that my school issued to find the answers to my workbook last night. Today has all around been a shit day anyway. I feel like giving up because I have no motivation in this mod already. This class has only been in session for a week and a half and I'm already failing. I failed our first test on chapters 3,4, and 5 with a 69. How embarrassing. I took my time and even went back to make sure my answers were final. I do great on the quizzes and I have done all of the homework assignments. I have a 70 in the class total. It is too early in the class to already be failing and it is discouraging because I've been giving my all on everything and I'm failing. I'm depressed and I have no motivation at all.


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