Spring Cleaning Time!

     I have a lot of crap. A few months ago I decided to actually try on every piece of clothing I own and decide whether to keep it or donate it. I ended up donating a huge bag full. Most of the clothes were dresses I wore to hide my huge legs and stomach. Since I've lost so much weight, they didn't even fit in the boob area anymore. The weather is nice now and yesterday I decided to clean my flower beds and make the yard look half decent. Today, I'm doing laundry to get ready for the week and I've been looking in junk drawers and such realizing I have so much crap that I don't even use. This is just phase one of spring cleaning. I plan on cleaning one room per weekend from here on out, that way by the time my boyfriend returns from deployment the house will be squeaky clean. I think part of the reason it looks like I have so much stuff is because of the small space I live in, but at the same time, I really do hoard things I know I will never use again. I guess I just keep it to keep it. So today I am tackling all of the closets that have stuff shoved at the back and all of the junk drawers full of junk. It has to go.


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