Social Media Withdrawal

     With 19 weeks left of school, my boyfriend being gone due to deployment, and not working full time like I love to do, that leaves a lot of time to surf social media and spend all of my down time looking at Facebook posts and searching Instagram hash tags. I was off from work, school, and clinical today so I had PLENTY of down time. While scrolling through my news feed I realized there are many different people on my friends list. There are the braggers who love flaunting their $400 Michael Kors bags and new cars, houses, and jewelry. There are the complainers who complain about how their marriage is falling apart, they feel sick, they're tired, their kids drive them nuts, and blah blah blah. There are the venters who tell anything and everything going on in their life to the Facebook community. And then there are the people who added me who I haven't talked to since high school but they post once in a while and I feel like the majority of these people on my list only stay my friend so they can be nosy and see what goes on in my life. I can literally count the people I talk to on a regular basis with one hand. My classmates don't count because we have to deal with each other until school is done. I realized today that I wasted so much time reading posts and looking at pictures on Facebook and Instagram that I didn't care about. I don't mean to sound heartless but I don't care that you're 25 years old and finally got your license, a job or second job, and finally got your shit together. I don't care that your 4 year old can finally ride a bike. I don't care about your new purse or new car. And I know your probably asking why I don't block them or deactivate my Facebook or that I sound jealous. First off, I am not jealous. Yea I wish I could afford a new bag or something, but it isn't in the cards for me right now. Everyone works hard for things they want and everyone wants different things. I don't deactivate my Facebook because I need it to have messenger to communicate with my boyfriend. So I have decided I am going to withdrawal myself from social media for a while. With 19 weeks left of school, I need to focus on passing my last 4 classes, Kaplans, and the NCLEX. I need to stop looking into other peoples lives who don't even care about me, they just want to be nosy.  So hopefully I will be able to abstain from Facebook and IG for at least a week and just see how it affects me and makes me feel.


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