Poor Credit Score

     Being a student automatically puts you at risk for bad credit. Due to the debts I have from my previous community college semesters, switching cable and internet companies, and other miscellaneous bills, my credit has been effected. Credit Karma is a decent tool to see a range of where your credit score falls into. Mine according to Equifax is a 617 and the other company they use says it is a 627. I'm not on the completely horrible side, but I'm sort of knocking on the door. I'm truly trying to pay it off. Whenever I have extra money even if it is just $10, that is $10 less that I will owe whoever I decide to send it to. Being an adult sucks sometimes. If I knew back then what I know now, I wouldn't have wasted my paychecks from my first job on the stupid things I did. I also wouldn't have wasted so much time at community college. I would have saved as much as possible to get me out of financial ruts. The biggest part of life is living and learning. I have learned from my financial mistakes for sure. My main focus besides graduating LPN school is to decrease my debt as much as possible, especially if I move to Tennessee with my boyfriend when he gets out of the Navy. I want a nice truck and a nice house some day. I won't be able to get those things if I leave my credit score in this range.


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