Good Moods are Great

     This morning I checked to see how much my next power bill is. It's only $75! That is a huge drop compared to the winter time when it ranged from $226-$280. That makes me feel good knowing I will actually be able to use some of my paycheck to put towards my medical bills! Being a broke student sucks but when good things like this happen, it reminds me that after school is done I will be able to work full time again. The days are really narrowing down with just 128 to go until graduation. The labor and delivery clinical rotation is amazing. I love postpartum in the mother-baby unit. That was the motivation I needed to get my act together and it also helped me decide that at some point in the future, I will be going back for my BSN so I can work in the L&D unit. Nursing school is awesome and I cannot wait to start my career!


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