I Love You BooBear

     Now that I know you read my blog, I want to make an entry dedicated to you. You have no idea how much I miss you. I miss laughing together and watching Netflix. I miss snuggling and having you hold me. I miss sitting on the porch waiting for your truck to come around the corner. I know I don't tell you my feelings very much, but I still get butterflies when you pull me close and hug me. You make me feel important. You accept me for who I am, flaws and medical issues included. Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve you. I am so lucky to have someone like you who shows me what it is actually like to be loved and taken care of. I've been through some very rough patches during this deployment but what keeps me going is that each new day is one day closer to homecoming. I have never cried so much in my life because I feel so lonely even though I know your there for me, you aren't here with me. I'm grateful to give my love to you and make memories with you. You're the best boyfriend ever. This deployment has made me realize that if we can make it through this deployment, we can make it through everything. I love you and always will.


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