Toast & Scrambled Eggs

     A few weeks ago I made the mistake of buying myself 3 new bras from Victoria's Secret since they were on sale. I have had to eat toast and scrambled eggs pretty much ever since I bought them. I should have used the money for food not bras. I feel stupid. Even though my boyfriend is amazing and sends me money when I'm short, that money he sends goes towards my car payment and car insurance since I only make enough each weekend to pay my phone bill, school loans, and credit card payment. If it wasn't for my boyfriend sending me extra when he feels like I need it, I would literally have no food or gas to put in my car. I wouldn't be making my car payment each month or anything. I have caught up with the important bills and it would such to get put behind again. I literally scrape by even with all of the financial help he gives me. It's embarrassing. It sucks that it takes eating the same thing for weeks for me to realize I need to re-evaluate my impulse spending. I won't be buying anything else for myself in a long time.


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