Weekend to Refresh & Reset

     Today I took my finals for OB/Peds and Lifespan and I passed! I am so extremely happy. This mod was difficult and I had a lot of ups and downs. I'm glad I overcame my depressive state and pushed on to finish. I don't have class, clinical, or work tomorrow or Saturday and Sunday so I am using this weekend to reboot. I m going to refresh my mindset and reset my attitude so I can finish this program strong. I'm going to clean out my backpack and binder and make sure my planner is updated. The class ahead of us has already warned us that the teacher for Endocrine is a shark and she will even deduct time from the sign in sheet if we are not dressed as "clinically ready". That means we have to wear our hair up, white shoes and socks, watch, and our badge. They even said she will make us write scenarios on the board for a whole class if we talk while she is talking. Nursing is serious but jeez. 111 days closer to graduating and being able to take a small break!


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