12 pounds to go!

     Since the beginning of January 2012, I've been trying to lose weight. I was setting small goals for myself and I've FINALLY reached my goal of losing 10 pounds! I told myself as a reward I would get my belly button pierced but since the summer season has begun, I don't want to because ocean water and pools could infect it. So I'm just going to wait until fall to get it done. It has taken me for ever to lose this amount but that is because I would start off strong and fall back off and eat crap. Now that I've seen the results physically and on the scale, I have no intentions of stopping. I really feel that for the first time in my life I will look decent in my bikini.
     This journey is far from over. I originally wanted to lose 30-35 pounds but I started thinking I might not look the way I want. I'm just overweight, not obese and that number seemed big. So my goal was changed to 22 pounds and I feel that is fair. I have 12 pounds left to go before I reach it. If I like the way I look, I will maintain it and if not, I'll lose some more. The one thing I had to keep telling myself when deciding on a weight loss goal was that I wasn't as big as I was making myself to be. I was acting as if I was 257 instead of 157. Now I'm at 147 and I feel great! I want to continue to motivate others to get healthy as well.
     When losing weight, you need to tell your self that you have no intentions of gaining it back. You don't want to be on a diet, you want a lifestyle change. You want to eat healthy foods and exercise to be healthy over all. And the number one thing is not to look up to girls in magazines who are underweight or people who starve themselves. That is not healthy and it can be harmful. Find real inspiration like not wanting diabetes or being able to workout for long periods of time without being short of breath. For anyone who is reading this that wants to start but hasn't, start slow. Make small changes like cutting out soda or packing your lunch instead of eating out. Working out can be as little as 15 minutes or longer that hour. It all depends on you.
     My workout routine is pretty minimal. I work all day at a desk so I try to do squats, leg lifts and wall sits throughout the day. And since I go to school at night right after work 3 days a week, I use the stairs instead of the elevator and walk around at every break we get. On nights I don't have school, I dance to my iPod, do leg exercises, use my dumbbells, and then ride my elliptical for at least 15 minutes. Sometimes I even do the 30 day shred. It all depends on your schedule. If you have time in the day to workout, do it. If your too busy, do it at least for 15 minutes. It really surprises me when I see how health conscious I am now. There is a mental difference in the way I see foods  and exercise.
     So for those of you wanting to start but haven't, START. Even if it small changes, it is better than none. And for those of you already on a weight loss journey, keep it up. It's hard but so worth it. I actually like weighing in now just to see the progress I've made since 2012. Be there for other people who need it and inspire others to make a change.  Your health should come before everything else.


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