5 Days!!!

     The nurse aide program starts in 5 days! I have never been so excited and nervous at one time in my whole life. I already have my books and a notebook. I plan on getting my TB test and background check done before my clinical portion of the program starts. The one thing that is great about this is the support I get from my parents and other family members. Nothing makes me feel better about myself than hearing "I'm so proud of you" from my loved ones. Along with this excitement has come some stress too. I'm stressing about how to tell my boss if he asks what class I'm taking. I don't want him to think I'm going to get my certification and leave him high and dry. Another thing I'm stressing over is my school schedule after I receive my certification and start working as a cna. I got to school during the evening as of now because it works well with my full time work schedule during the day. I would like to work three 12 hour shifts at a hospital or nursing home but I've been reading and they say that is rare. It would be nice to work that shift so I could go to school on days that I'm off. If I was to work a 7-3 shift, then I would still be able to take evening classes. A 3-11 shift would make it impossible for me to go to school because if I get off near 11, by the time I get home and shower and stuff it will be later and I will NOT want to get up early for classes.
     The one thing that matters about this is that I feel my heart is in it. I love helping people. I take care of my 92 year old grandma which is what made me think of doing this program. Plus this will tell me if registered nursing is for me. Life is all about making decisions and if it feels right, than it may be right. If it ends up being completely wrong, at least you went for it. This feels right to me. My face glows when I tell people about the program and how excited I am to get my foot into the healthcare door. I'm so excited to be certified to help people! I've also been considering the program my city offers for the volunteer rescue squad. I would only have to complete 48 hours a month so I could do that on Saturday nights. It would be interesting  to respond to car wrecks, shoot outs, and other medical emergencies and me be the one helping them to make it through their situation. The nurse aide certification comes first then maybe the volunteer rescue squad. Happy humpday! It's almost Friday :)


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