Weight Loss Encouragement

     My weight loss journey has been no easy ride. I started at the beginning of January in 2012 and my mission was to lose weight and look great. It wasn't easy but I made simple changes. I stopped drinking soda, stopped eating junk, and I even bought an elliptical. Riding an elliptical was hard at first but I got pretty good at it. I started with just 15 minutes every other night then worked my way up to an hour! But after a few months of going strong and seeing minimal results, I quit. I felt horrible. I felt fat and lazy. Then towards the summer of 2012 I tried to get back on track. I did well for a few weeks but fell off again. I pretty much convinced myself I was always going to be fat and no exercise or healthy eating was going to make a difference. I was wrong. I never gained back the 7 pounds I lost, but if I would have kept going and tried my hardest, I could have been looking great and feeling confident months ago.
   January 2013 seemed like the perfect time to start over. I told myself to get serious and really try hard. I did the same thing as I did in 2012. I started off strong but fell off after a couple of months. I soon realized my biggest issue was not seeing the immediate results I wanted. It sounds dumb I know, but I really thought working out for a couple days or a whole week would allow me to drop a good amount of pounds. Wrong. So here it is May 14, 2013 and I'm still trying to lose this weight. Am I eating garbage foods again? No. Do I drink soda daily like I used too? No. But I don't work out like I should and I eat foods that aren't necessarily the best for me on occasion. So what do I do? What do we do? We do this for ourselves. I don't look up to celebrities with tiny bodies anymore. We need to lose this weight for ourselves. Our muscles and limbs don't deserve to be smothered by fat. They deserve to be worked out and used to their best ability. Now I'm not saying to run a marathon or anything but try to move your muscles daily. As an office worker, I know it isn't easy, but trying is what counts.
     Making small changes can add up in the long run. If you eat out for lunch every day, try bringing your lunch a couple times a week or all week. If you drink soda, try to swap a soda for a water at least once a day. Park further from the store doors so you can walk more. These simple things may not seem like much but they helped me get started. Now since my boyfriend has realized what we were doing to our bodies by being unhealthy, he is trying to be healthier too. Having a partner makes it more fun and easy to stay on track. Myfitnesspal.com is a great place to meet others in a weight loss battle. You can even put all the food and exercise into a tracker. There are no excuses. We gained the weight, so we need to lose it. My newest goal is to look good in my bikini by July 4th. I'm already seeing a difference in my clothes just by my eating habits and swimming twice a week. Try encouraging others to make changes in their diets as well. I'm going to lose this weight because I know I can do it and I need to do it.


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