Facebook is a problem.

     Let me give you some background on my relationship. My boyfriend and I have been together for what will be 6 years this summer. Yes, I know it is a long time. I've always had trust issues with friends and when we started dating, I had them with him too. There are good reasons why I have these trust issues with him though. He lies about who is hanging out with and what they're doing. He will ignore my calls and texts the WHOLE entire time he is with them. He will ignore me for days saying his phone was dead and didn't have a charger. The best is when his friends have diarrhea of the mouth and spill about things my boyfriend never wanted me to know to begin with.
     So where does Facebook come in to play? Since my boyfriend and I are publicly together on this social media site, every one and their mom can see clear as day that we are together. What's causing the problem is these girls adding him and stuff. Whenever I ask how he knows these girls, of course all I get is denial and the infamous "It's just Facebook" line. Then my boyfriend always tries to say that I have a lot of guys on my friends list. First of all, I'm hardly EVER on Facebook anymore. And second, I don't ignore his calls or texts or lie about what I'm doing. I don't act shady. He does. Lastly, I fucking cater to him. I try to do everything I can for him to be the best girlfriend possible. If I didn't want to be in a relationship, trust me, I wouldn't be! I can't help that I get jealous when these girls add him, especially when they are pretty or seem skanky.
     I know as you're reading this you're thinking "Why the hell does she stay with him?". Well, he is my best friend and only friend. He doesn't pressure me to smoke weed or drink alcohol like most people my age do. He has a great personality and he is the first guy I've ever really loved. But when he acts shady like I listed above, I can't help but think I'm wasting my time devoting my love and compassion to the wrong person. It seems like he is ungrateful having a girlfriend that cares so much, which is a whole other blog entry, but you get the hint. If he didn't know these girls, why add them? And why come at me acting like I'm the shady one when he lies all the time? Some times, I wish I was single so I didn't have to care about this shit.


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