Too Self Conscious

     Lately for some reason, I have been feeling very self conscious about my appearance. Not just about my body but everything. It really sucks because it is starting to stress me out. Over the weekend I got plenty of exercise. I walked around the block a couple times on Saturday and Sunday and I played some softball. I also jumped on my elliptical for the first time in months last night. I only lasted 10 minutes but that is better than nothing.I have been drinking a lot of water and drinking Naked. My favorite flavor is the Berry Blast. I haven't been eating big dinners but I have been eating breakfast lately, which is surprising. I get up a little earlier than usual each morning just to fit in a quick breakfast.
     My skin and teeth have been stressing me too. I have sun spots everywhere since I am so fair skinned. And as far as my teeth go, I have gingivitis. My teeth don't look absolutely horrible, but they aren't as pretty as I would like them to be. At my last dental check up, the hygienist really got onto my ass about not flossing. She pretty much made it seem like my teeth were going to fall out. It really scared me. I've always known I should be taking better care of myself, especially my teeth but my excuse, like for everything, was that I didn't have the time. Well guess what? Since that visit, I have flossed every night, brushed twice a day and use mouthwash twice a day as well. I don't want to lose my teeth even if my gingivitis hasn't progressed into periodontal disease, I don't want it to get that far.
     I don't think I'm ugly, but I don't think I'm very attractive either. If there is one thing I don't like about myself, it is definitely my lack of self confidence. Personally, I think I have a great sense of humor and I'm a nice and very caring person. But sometimes my weight and appearance take a toll on my confidence levels. I feel like whenever I meet people or talk to someone they are judging me from the outside. Maybe it's just my anxiety, who knows. All I can do is be thankful for the people in my life who accept and love me for who I am regardless or my weight and appearance. 


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