17 Days!

     My books for the nurse aide program came yesterday! I got so excited when I saw the package. I already started reading my textbook. 17 days isn't long at all. I'm ready to begin this journey. I can't wait to help people, make decent money and work a different schedule than what I've had here for the past 3 years. I already have a friend interested in taking my spot here, so that is taken care of as well.
     Patient First is usually where I go whenever I'm sick and what not. I called yesterday to see if they did TB testing and the lady said they were out of the products used to administer the testing. I thought that was rather odd. Oh well. This is like the big countdown. Hopefully by the middle of August I will be working as a nurse aide at a nursing home or hospital. I know this all I've been writing about lately but when you have had the same job that has become more and more annoying, you would be ready for this change too.
     I'm not really worried about this program setting my nursing school pre-reqs back a semester because I think it is smart for me to get a feel for the profession before I spend thousands more on it. Plus that gives me more time to save for the classes and program all together. I love being so excited about something like this. It's been a while since I've been this excited about something. Happy Friday and have a great weekend :)


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