Welcome May!

     The weather today is pretty gross. Hopefully the sun will decide to come out after hiding for 2 whole days. It's May so bring on the warm weather. I just paid my tuition for the nurse aide program and I've already ordered my books! 19 days and counting. I am truly thankful for everyone who reads my blog and deals with me talking about school all the time. It means a lot. I like to talk about for two reasons; One, because I hope to inspire other people to go and for the ones that went and quit to return. And two, because I'm proud of myself. I could be wasting my money on rent, alcohol, shopping and other things, but I'm spending it on my education.
     Education is important to me for many reasons. My father dropped out of high school but luckily back then, you didn't need a high school diploma or GED to flip burgers at McDonalds like now. My father is actually a very successful person. He started working with the city 30+ years ago and still works there. He also has his own landscaping company. My mother did graduate high school but did not go to college. She was a cosmetologist (vocational training) until I came along. She started doing office work and when her and my father divorced, she did everything she could to make ends meet.
     I want to be financially stable. I want to have a job that I love while getting paid but still having stability and not worrying about losing it due to an economic crisis. Nursing school is going to be expensive, but worth it. I've already paid a couple thousand just for some pre-reqs and now the nurse aide course. I'm thankful to have both of my parents and their encouragement and support from them to pursue my dreams. I respect them for everything they have taught me, including now. I still learn new things from them. Having support from your parents and family gives me a great feeling. It makes me feel like they will have my back no matter what, which I'm grateful for.


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