First Class

     My first nurse aide lecture was awesome! We learned hand washing and she showed us how to do range of motion with arms and knees. We filled out some paperwork saying we promised to be good nurse aides and always follow policies and procedures. We went over our calendar for the next 3 months as well. I can't wait to go back tomorrow and learn more skills. My instructor likes to introduce the skills early so we can get enough practice for clinical and the state board exam. She says the written part is fairly easy and the skills part is where people tend to flop sometimes.
     There were only 7 people in my class and I know of one girl who plans on dropping it as soon as possible since it won't work with her schedule at work. My instructor called the other people who never showed to see if they planned on showing up or if she could give their spot to someone waiting. They all told her they changed their minds. Why would someone wait until the very last minute to say that? And on top of that, this course gets no financial aid at all so why pay when your not even going to go and then have to go through the complicated refund process? I guess I'll never understand the way some people think.
     I'm so excited for the rest of the program. Every one in my class is nice (so far) and there are tons of skills we all need to master. We have a test and a medical terminology quiz tomorrow evening. The terminology is pretty simple to me. I think it is so easy for me because of all the reading I've been doing on cna and rn careers. Plus, some of them are pretty self explanatory like micro means small and macro means large. I plan on making flash cards for all of the terminology and we also have to complete the study guides in our workbooks for chapters 1 &2. I love it already and it was just my first day!


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