Skills I've Learned....So Far.

     We are moving right along in my cna course. It is a lot more fun when we get to practice the skills instead of doing the chapters in the book. Most of the book is common sense. The tests we take are pretty easy and the terminology quizzes are a breeze. I figured I'd go ahead and tell you what skills we have learned and which ones I find easy and more complicated. Here is the list:

  • Hand washing (simple)
  • Apply knee-high elastic stocking(simple)
  • Assist to ambulate using a transfer built( not to bad)
  • Cleans upper or lower denture(simple)
  • Donning and removing PPE/gown and gloves(fairly easy)
  • Give modified bed bath to face, one arm, hand, and underarm(a lot of steps. I'm still practicing this one)
  • Measure and record weight(simple)
  • Perform Passive Range of Motion (PROM) for one knee and ankle(fairly easy)
  • Perform PROM for one shoulder(easy)
  • Positions on side(a lot of steps but is isn't too difficult)
  • Provide catheter care for female(easy)
  • Foot care on one foot(easy)

    These skills will come more easily as we practice I'm sure. The only thing that gets me is when I go to do a skill for a check off and right before I start my mind draws a blank but as soon as I start, it all comes back to me. I've never been so excited to go to class. I love learning new skills and practicing them. Clinical will be awesome because I will get to put my hard work and learning to use! 


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